Interactive installation, performance, slide show. Version 1: Festival du Plaisir, 2022; version 2: exhibition L'art est ouvert, 2023. Jardin d'hélys-œuvre, Saint Méfard d'Excideuil, Dordogne.
"In response to the bombing of Afghanistan and simultaneously the dropping of food over the country, Your Best (2002) revisits the analogy between bombs and bread, both of which come from the sky. A weapons system that functions like a fairground stall, a competitive game, and 'bread bombs' resembling African sculptures, mushrooms and phalluses, are available for the public to throw against images of... ducks. Playful and amusing, the installation hides its game, with only the colours yellow and black indicating a danger: the awakening of the hunter and warrior in each participant, in each spectator. How do we deal with the unbridgeable gap between reality and representation? That's the question raised by the pile of crumbs at the feet of the reproduced ducks.
Extract from the press release ( Frida Moore, June 2003), L'art est ouvert exhibition, Jardin d'hélys-œuvre, Saint Médard d'Excideuil, Dordogne. Version 1 of this interactive installation focused on the 'canardage' of the image, while version 2 - which was a fusion of two installations, Your Best and Drop (2003 / see on this site) - placed greater emphasis on the making of 'bread bombs' with a grinder during a public performance by the artist. To find out more, read the article by K. Gattinger, "Quelques repères pour réorienter le réel" (2005), online on this site ("theory" section).