Canson drawing paper (Rives) for engraving, 100% cotton, 280g
Ink pigmented. Embossing. 41,5 x 29,4 cms
For drawings produced in Berlin: 55,9 x 76 cms / 480g.
Borderknots is a project linking drawing and performance that begun during summer 2013. A " drawing machine " - designed by K. Gattinger and worn straight from the body or transported by bicycle - draw an abstract line on a paper beforehand gaufré according to the travels of the artist. Like a seismograph, this tracer records graphically the movements produced in the wills of courses made during performances, which are confrontations in obstacles, in limits and borders of every kind : for example cross 28 times the French-German border, step 101 times over urban barriers, follow for 9 hours by bicycle the line of the old Berlin wall.
"Borderknots, Europa Hin-und zurück". Traversée en vélo aussi vite que possible 28 fois le pont de l’Europe à Strasbourg (frontière franco-allemande)