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Le Sautoir de Gina

Sculpture (steel, imitation leather, foam, wood), photography, digital image ( bright box), mural painting, sacs, performances, assembly plan...

Answer in " That was " (ça a été) of Roland Barthes by one " it is still possible! " Invent a device which allows to reproduce again a past movement, congealed by the photocamera. From the photography of Gina jumping in the air is conceived on computer the instrument which would have been able to maintain the young woman in this position of suspends. This computerassisted drawing is then realized and follows up a steel sculpture stuffed by place, knockdown and " usable ".


La sculpture


La photographie initiale...


Dessin numérique sur photographie existante. Caisson lumineux.


Plan de Montage.


Performance, *Salon de la Jeune Création 2001*.


Vues de l'exposition personnelle *Justement*, Galerie Duchamp, Centre d'art d'Yvetot (commissaire S. Duhamel), 2011.


Vue de l'exposition *De repères à tâtons*, 2003. Moyens des bord, St Etienne (*4e Biennale International Design*).


Vue de l'exposition *Sportissimo*, Centre d'art de Lacoux, 2002 (commissaire : Ph. Machado). Photo : Centre d'art de Lacoux.

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