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Parution du premier essai de Katrin Gattinger, "RUSES À L'ŒUVRE - Modes d'agir avec l'art contemporain" (La Lettre volée)

Katrin Gattinger's first published essay. With a preface by Pierre-Damien Huyghe
La Lettre volée, collection "Essais", Brussels.

Ruses at work. Because in an unfair world, governed by battles of interests, we sometimes need to play tricks, this essay asks the question: what can art do? But rather than looking at the works from the point of view of efficiency, the aim is to observe their inventiveness, to grasp the complexity of their modus operandi. The ruses that make us believe and act while remaining hidden, that enthuse us with their ability to lead a lost cause to triumph, are at the heart of this book, with a preface by the philosopher Pierre-Damien Huyghe. Through a study of the 'practical intelligence' of the processes and logics of five works by artists Peter Rösel, Made in Éric, Olive Martin & Patrick Bernier, Judith Deschamps, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, this essay explores their resistance by drawing on stratagems observed elsewhere (military camouflage, the art system, political actions on justice, internet scams) and the theories devoted to them. These works, from which emanate knowledge, know-how and tricks, invite us to look at how these artistic gestures can help us to think through the conflicts of reality and imagine ways of acting: Spy sculptures that surprise a flagrant offence of inattention; an immobile artistic position that makes a bailiff flee; an unexpected collaboration between artists and lawyers that activates the creative power of the judge; an anticipated dialogue that makes the director of an artistic institution the active principle of the trap that is set for him; stories of scams that lure away the clichés that are (or are not) the daily bread of swindlers.

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